Completed late April. Assignment was to find the hidden meanings in a nursery rhyme, and I took a completely nonsensical rhyme and gave it a meaning by putting it on a college campus.
Completed right after Spring Break. The assignment was to make something out of cloth, and I decided to challenge the Romantic mindset that was 'nature is everything and forever'.
So, it's supposed to be someone tried to take the sky and put it on a wall, hence why it looks violent/like a skinned animal. Like people trying to tame nature but they shouldn't.
Materials: Paper mache, acrylic paint, cardboard, sandpaper, moss, paper clips, wet sculpey, wire mesh, hot glue.
Mosquito was just a compulsive addition to the piece 9 hours before it was due.
It's a bell jar with a surburban town coming out of it; it's supposed to symbolize life and death. The assignment was to combine two opposites in a paper mache sculpture.